Thursday 3 December 2009

The New Next home directory spring summer, out now :-) Posted by:Alice

The new Next catalogue is out now, including spreads designed by us, yay! We were given the opportunity by Next to photograph the products in our studio, we created and designed the Nursery room sets... it was all very cute! Each set was individually styled for a cozy feel.

The graphic design side of constructing the spreads was a rewarding project, it's great to see all our hard work in print :-) We would like to thank the parents of the babies and toddlers we featured, all models were well behaved and proper little stars! For the mother and baby section (the push chairs) the photos were provided by next, but all graphic design was done by us, we also got the chance to take some of the product shots. If you would like to see our designs they are pages 1172 - 1193 in the Next home directory, spring summer. Got to next website click here.

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