Wednesday 2 December 2009

creative ideas, posted by: Alice

Our photo-shoot for Swaffer fine fabrics went really well, after three days of styling and photographing in the studio the results were rewarding :-) we produced graphic design material for them, including an A4 leaflet, single sided designs and also large pattern book pages. We wish them all the best for their new ranges...

We love creative ideas here at vanishing Point, and this design has really caught our eye, it's a folding plug designed by Royal college of Art graduate Min-Kyn choi...

On the move with your thin, tiny laptop in your bag, you don't want a chunky plug getting in the way. This space-saving alternative is a great idea and we're so happy that someone has finally questioned: 'Just because it's been this design for years, doesn't mean it can't be improved'. Everything can be re-designed to suit our ever-changing society. A huge thumbs up from us :-) click here to see Min-Kyu's website.

Three weeks ago we had a photography and styling brief for natures purest, once the range has been released we will get the images on here asap, watch this space. You can view their current products at

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