Friday 11 December 2009

An inspirational visit to Newcastle, Posted by Alice

I recently had a weekend in Newcastle and really enjoyed visiting the many art galleries this big city has to offer. The two main ones that I feel deserve a mention in the blog are the Baltic and the Biscuit Factory, both displayed talented, thought-provoking work. The city its self is full of beautiful buildings and structures, inspirational shapes and historical architecture. A walk along the river Tyne has you admiring huge bridge structures across the river (and popping into
restaurants along the way!). The view from the top of the Baltic Art gallery is gorgeous. I think it's important as a designer to always keep 'creatively active' as inspiration is everywhere, and in fear of making this sound like an advert from the tourist board to come and visit Newcastle :-) I will move onto the artists...

Damien Hirst's work was displayed in the Baltic art gallery, he had constructed a Pharmacy including huge cabinets full of medicines and even a counter, although at first I was a little questionable as to weather this piece could be considered 'art' (the never-ending debate in the art world) but I found myself thinking about the association of medicines/drugs. The authority and power of the pharmacy. I do think, however, that there needs to be more divisions of the definition of art, so that the traditional talented painters of the art world are not covered up by
modern alternatives.

The biscuit factory boasts many new artists, and is the perfect place for a keen collector looking for the next great artist, or for a breath of fresh air, to view new ideas and the next generation's interpretation of their world. I was really impressed by the young talent.

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