Wednesday 11 August 2010

Busy Bees :-)

Here at VP we've been rushed off our feet recently (which is a great thing of course!) lots of exciting jobs with new clients and lots of preparation for the Next Christmas catalogue, in the world of design our seasons are backwards as we produce winter-themed photography in July :-) With a studio full of Christmas trees while it was one of the hottest days outside was quite surreal, but as a huge Christmas lover myself it was great fun! (although when I suggested Christmas songs to the team, that proved a step too far!). When the catalogue is released I will publish some of the photos on this blog.

The new Next catalogue also features flower spreads designed by us, the graphic design style was very different from the pages they had before, the patterned blocks work well to contain the text, and thin line work was used to direct the eye through the pages and section each product. The typography used is modern and clean, which I think works well with the imagery. Go team VP!

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