Thursday 21 January 2010

Clean Advertising, Posted by: Alice

Some people consider graffiti to be a form of art, others think of graffiti as messy vandalism, these two options might be a bit blurred on the newest development of graffiti though. A new craze has developed from traditional spray-painted graffiti art, it has become a form of guerilla advertising which is called 'reverse graffiti'.

The main concept is cleaning away dirt on walls, floors and other publicly viewed surfaces to form lettering and imagery. So instead of spraying on paint, it is actually cleaning certain sections, and is therefore 'not illegal'. Big brands are starting to catch on to this method such as Puma and Kia. It reminds me of Banksy's work because people look at his work as 'art' more than vandalism, and I think 'reverse graffiti' will have the same affect. I think that as the idea is fresh, I think there's a lot of potential in the advertising industries to develop the idea of reverse graffiti further. You never know, the creative team here at Vanishing Point might be going into the streets of Nottingham one day armed with a bucket of soapy water, a sponge and a stencil... watch those pavements :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alice! Thanks for featuring our work. We carried out the Puma campaign in the UK.
