Thursday 21 January 2010

Clean Advertising, Posted by: Alice

Some people consider graffiti to be a form of art, others think of graffiti as messy vandalism, these two options might be a bit blurred on the newest development of graffiti though. A new craze has developed from traditional spray-painted graffiti art, it has become a form of guerilla advertising which is called 'reverse graffiti'.

The main concept is cleaning away dirt on walls, floors and other publicly viewed surfaces to form lettering and imagery. So instead of spraying on paint, it is actually cleaning certain sections, and is therefore 'not illegal'. Big brands are starting to catch on to this method such as Puma and Kia. It reminds me of Banksy's work because people look at his work as 'art' more than vandalism, and I think 'reverse graffiti' will have the same affect. I think that as the idea is fresh, I think there's a lot of potential in the advertising industries to develop the idea of reverse graffiti further. You never know, the creative team here at Vanishing Point might be going into the streets of Nottingham one day armed with a bucket of soapy water, a sponge and a stencil... watch those pavements :-)

Monday 18 January 2010

Natures Purest Photo shoot, Posted by: Alice

Back in November we produced a collection of 160 photographs for Natures Purest. Each shot was individually styled and designed by our creative team here at Vanishing Point. The final results were beautiful, and now the new ranges are to be released we can reveal some of the images created...

We really enjoyed working with Natures Purest and their products are of the highest quality with the cutest designs. We especially love their attention to detail with each piece, making sure they are produced with 100% natural materials, even the cotton is natural, with no colouring dyes in sight. Take a look at their website to see their full range and online catalogue.

Monday 4 January 2010

Happy New Year!! Posted by: Alice

Everyone here at Vanishing Point would like to wish you a Happy new Year :-) We are all back in the office and have hit the ground running! With lots of work on at the moment we have certainly made a great start to 2010. We are preparing for a photo shoot at the end of the week which we are all looking forward to (can't reveal much yet, but will get the pics on here soon).

The Design Army went back to hand made techniques to produce coasters which represented each month. They chose their fave holiday from each month and created individual letterpress illustrations for each. They called this promotion 'everyday is a holiday' and posted them out to clients. I think they are very quirky, I like the 'lost sock day'.. how does that happen?? :-) It's nice to bring in a new year with a smile.